We thought that you might like to see a selection of the projects we are currently working on, received planning permission for or where works have been completed. Please feel free to click one of the links below which will take you to the relevant part of the page or, of course, you can scroll down and have a look at them all. Please note that we retain the copyright on all of the drawings displayed on this website. Below the project description you can click on the link so that you can see the plans and elevations drawings.
New Houses and Bungalows – Extensions to Houses and Bungalows – Housing Developments – Affordable Housing – Flats
We have obtained full planning permission for this next phase of a larger development site. This planning permission for a chalet-style bungalow and a detached barn-style dwelling represents plots 8 and 9 respectively.
Other dwellings include two barn-conversions, three detached houses and two further chalet-style bungalows.
The site landscaping has been professionally designed by a landscape architect we have worked with on a number of occasions.

We obtained full planning permission for a detached chalet-style bungalow on land partly behind the host dwelling.
Working with the Planning Officer, who had initially recommended that the site could only accommodate a single storey dwelling, we overcame some initial concerns, and Planning Permission was granted for this chalet-style bungalow.
We understand that the site is being sold with the Planning Permission and we hope to assist the purchaser with the next stages in the development process.
Click HERE for the plans and elevations drawing.

Recently ECDC were unable to demonstrate that they had a five-year supply of building land. The effect of this was to set aside local planning policies, particularly the development envelope, which generally restricted development to within the towns and villages.
The development of this site is an example of this type of development. We were approached by a property owner who had a large garden including a tennis court.
We applied for, and successfully obtained, outline planning permission initially for two detached houses. We then applied for the approval of reserved matters including the detailed design and this was also granted.
Click HERE for the plans and elevations drawing

Initially we worked with this client to extend, alter and add a new first floor with loft space above to an existing detached bungalow adjacent to the conservation area.
However, the owners decided to take advance of the attractive VAT for new-builds (Zero-rated), the benefits of a house built to modern standards and with a warranty by demolishing their chalet-bungalow and building this stunning contemporary-style detached house spread over three floors.
The property is traditionally constructed with masonry cavity walls but will have either rendered or contrasting boarded finishes, dark-grey windows, doors and eaves all beneath a slated roof.
The property is currently under-construction and we look forward to seeing it when it's this space!
Click HERE for the plans and elevations drawing

Detached Luxury Houses in Wicken
We obtained detailed planning permission for two large detached houses beside the development envelope of Wicken. The completed properties have been sold and are now being enjoyed by their new owners.

Having recently completed an extension to a nearby bungalow we were invited to advise the new owners of this property about a modest extension to their bungalow.
The extension was designed using materials and detailing to match the existing bungalow as well as working within the restrictions of ‘Permitted Development’. We have obtained a Certificate of Lawfulness for the extension.
We are instructed to design the extension, deal with Planning and Building Regulation applications, prepare the Schedule of Works, obtain competitive tenders from local contractors and administer the building contract including regular site visits.
Click HERE for the plans and elevations drawing

We were instructed to prepare designs for the redevelopment of this former transport yard in Stretham. The site is outside the development envelope but clearly a brownfield site ripe for redevelopment. It forms an important feature at the entrance to this fenland village but had deteriorated in appearance causing a detrimental effect on the village.
Initial advice from the Planning Officer was not positive due to the site being outside of the development envelope. The design, based on the historic farmyard format, was developed to the point where it was accepted as a high-quality design but the full application was still refused due to its location.
Our client immediately appealed against the decision and the appeal was allowed. The site, for nine detached, semi-detached and link detached houses is currently being marketed for sale by a local estate agent.
Click on the following links to see the plans and elevations drawings of the various plots on the site
Plot 1 - Detached House - Plots 2 & 3 - Link-detached - Plots 4 & 5 - Link-detached
Plots 6 & 7 - Semi-detached - Plots 8 & 9 - semi-detached

Ely Design Group has worked closely with A J Lee (Developments) Ltd over many years on both private and affordable housing development schemes. Here are a selection of the affordable housing schemes - some are now occupied whilst others are in the construction phase.
We were instructed by A J Lee (Developments) Ltd to prepare designs for the development of this site for 100% affordable housing in Littleport. The site, purchased by Cambridge Housing Society, is now reaching completion.
The site is a mixture of detached and semi-detached two-, three- and four-bedroom houses of traditional design.
The development provides on-site public-open-space and many of the residents will be able to enjoy unobstructed views across the fens.

We were instructed to prepare designs for four additional 1-bedroom flats to compliment and existing development of four flats built approximately 20 years ago. The design, which received planning permission, consists of two flats on a new second floor and two flats at the rear of the existing building.
The existing flats have also been refurbished.
Following receipt of Planning Permission we prepared the working drawings, submitted and obtain Building Regulation Approval and then obtained tenders from local contractors.
We monitored the works on site, administered the terms of the building contract and the development will be handed over to the client on time and within budget.
Click on the following links to see the plans and elevations drawings
Plans - Elevations - Photos

We were instructed by a retained client to prepare a detailed design for a redevelopment of an existing building in Ely. The site had significant planning history generated by a previous planning application prior to our client's acquisition of the site. An earlier scheme for the site and application was withdrawn and the scheme redesigned and, together with a comprehensive landscape design, was submitted to ECDC for planning permission. The development was refused simply due to the local interest in the existing decrepit building. A planning appeal has been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate.
The traditional design accommodates nine two- and three-bedroom apartments of four floors...basement, ground and two upper floors.
You can see the plans, elevations and other CGI's of the building on the links below.
Front Elevation - Plans - Detailed Ground Floor - CGI 2 - CGI 3
Please watch this space!!