Instructions to Proceed with your project We’re very pleased that you would like to instruct Ely Design Group. Please fill in your details, the quotation number, put a tick in the boxes corresponding with the services you require and then click the submit button at the bottom of the form…this will send us an email with the information. Mary will then contact you to arrange a convenient time for us to carry out the measured survey of your property. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please choose how you would like to confirm your instructions. *ONLINE INSTRUCTIONS - complete the form belowUPLOAD INSTRUCTIONS - attach your signed fromName *Email *Fee Quote Reference *This is our reference at the top of the fee quotation letter.Services Required - The following list of stages correspond with those listed on your Fee Proposal - some of those listed below may not apply to your project - just select the ones you want to instruct us to carry our for you. *Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5Stage 6Stage 7Stage 8Stage 9Stage 10Comments / additional informationPlease include any comments or additional information here; for example if there are other options listed on your quotation which are not available to choose above.Preferred date for measured surveyIf we have suggested some dates for the measured survey then please include your preference above. If neither dates are convenient then please leve the box blank and we can suggest alternatives.Signature * Clear Signature Print Name *Date *File Upload * Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files. Please use this option to attach any drawings or other documentationNameI/we confirm that I/we would like to proceed with the services selected above.