Please call 01353 649 649 during office hours

Building Regulation Approval is required for most architectural design projects.

The Government sets standards for the design and construction of buildings.

planning-guidance-leaflets-ely-design-groupThis is primarily to ensure the health and safety of people in or around those buildings, but also for energy conservation and access to and around buildings. These standards are contained in the Building Act 1984 and are then detailed further in a series of documents called the ‘Approved Documents’ which explain how the Building Act can be complied with. They are not the only way to comply but this is normally the most straight forward approach.
If you are carrying our building work yourself, it is important to understand the building regulations as you are responsible for making sure that your work complies with them. If you are employing a building contractor, the responsibility will usually be theirs – but it is important to remember that you should confirm this with us before any work commences. If you are the owner of a building, it is ultimately you who may be served with an enforcement notice if the work does not comply with the regulations.

Please remember that complying with the Building Regulations is a separate matter from obtaining Planning Permission for your work; even if Planning Permission if not required, compliance with the Building Regulations normally is.

The planning portal website also gives details about whether works to residential properties need to comply with the Building Regulations; this information can be viewed by clicking on the relevant element of the interactive house and the building regulations tab at the bottom of the pop-up window.

How can Ely Design Group help?

We develop the design drawings into the working drawings and, together with detailed construction information, will submit the Building Regulation Application on your behalf. We will deal with any queries which the Building Control Officer may raise so that you will obtain the ‘Building Regulation Notice of Passing Of Plans.’

NOTE – Sometimes this Notice is conditional particularly with a new house for example, where information about roof trusses is not available – this information is submitted as it becomes available and the condition will be satisfied.

east-cambs-building-controlAlmost all of our Building Regulation Applications are submitted to East Cambridgeshire District Council who are our Partnering Authority for Building Control Services. East Cambridgeshire Building Control will check the Application, advise us if changes and/or additional information is required and then advise the Local Authority, where the project is, that the Building Regulation Notice of Passing of Plans can be granted. The Local Authority, where the property is,  then carry out the inspections and hopefully issue the Completion Certificate at the end.

We can also develop planning/design drawings, which your current Designer has prepared, into the detailed working drawings, deal with the Building Regulation Application etc..

CONTACT US to discuss your Building Regulation requirements.

Telephone: 01353 649 649

Alternatively, if you would like to provide some details of your requirements in the simple form below then we would be pleased to contact you during normal office hours.

Please give us some details about your enquiry including your postal address, so that we know what your project consists of. If you would like to, you can email us a photo of your property to help us understand your property type...please email us on or use the file upload option below.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.